Spring Awakening counter/transport/unit name comments

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Spring Awakening counter/transport/unit name comments

Post by ComradeP »

First of all: great job! This should be a fun slugging match in the mud, I didn't realize the operation would be suitable for a good operational level wargame.

There are a handful of typo's in the OOB. Begleit is misspelled Belgeit in the 1st Panzer, 6th Panzer, 23rd Panzer 1st SS Panzer, 2nd SS Panzer and 12th SS Panzer Divisions. A minor issue.

The 11th Luftwaffen Feld Division Fusilier Battalion is not a recon unit, but an infantry unit. This may or may not be intentional.

Not specific to Spring Awakening, but also present in Spring Awakening: mountain infantry units have no mountain infantry counter as a thumbnail in the unit info box or in 3D view.

It's been a few years since I commented on transport image/movement type mismatches and I no longer recall if the remaining mismatches are intentional. If I recall correctly, these mismatches appeared when Panzer Battles: Kursk Southern Flank counters were ported to PzC, but perhaps I just didn't notice them earlier. The most obvious mismatch remains German units showing an Sd.Kfz in the unit info box, but using motorized movement. This applies to units equipped with the Pak 40 and many artillery units.

That might be intentional, to slow down their movement, but it means you have to look at the counter or the "back" side of the unit info box instead of the "front" of the unit info box to determine movement type in T-mode.

What makes it more confusing is that the transport type of some units is specifically mentioned in the unit description such as "(RSO)" (example: the German 538th Artillery Battalion in Spring Awakening) but that other units use the same transport image. Example: 88mm Flak units show an RSO, but use motorized movement.

Similarly, Soviet 122mm and 152mm artillery units as well as 85mm heavy AA units show some form of artillery tractor, a Stalinets or an STZ-5 or the like, yet they also use motorized movement.

In all cases, you would expect the unit to use soft-halftrack movement in T-mode, but it uses motorized movement instead.

This might all be intentional, but it would be helpful if it was mentioned in the documentation somewhere.
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