Opponent wanted for Kursk43 or Stalingrad42

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Tankista zo Ziliny
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Opponent wanted for Kursk43 or Stalingrad42

Post by Tankista zo Ziliny »

Greetings, fellow wargamers!

I'm on the hunt for a worthy opponent to dive into the thrilling battles of Kursk43 and Stalingrad42! I'm particularly interested in playing the main scenarios for each game.

If you're a strategic mind who enjoys the challenge of historical wargames, and you're interested in playing either Kursk43 or Stalingrad42, then I'd love to hear from you.

Let's discuss preferred schedule and any other details over email. Feel free to reach out at [patospiso@gmail.com].

Looking forward to a strategic clash on the Eastern Front!

Best regards

Yes, this was generated by AI :D
I consider myself a medium-experience player who enjoys utilizing all the game's features, like railroads and bridge demolition. Keep in mind that the main campaigns for Kursk43 and Stalingrad42 are known for their depth, often taking a year to complete.
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Re: Opponent wanted for Kursk43 or Stalingrad42

Post by Lelechan71 »

I sent you an e-mail in private.

Best regards
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