I also include a trial version for "The Great Northern War" and "Renaissance". Unfortunately, since I don't have the games, I haven't been able to check if they work. I await your comments to make the corrections of errors.
In all cases, the mod is installed by copying the corresponding Map folder to the chosen game directory. In SYW they replace Unit symbols
Block. In GNW and Renassaince they replace the unit symbol "Alt". This is a purely personal decision. it can be changed by renaming the drive files.
Mod Ferraris for "Seven Years War" "The Great Northern War" and "Renaissance":
https://www.dropbox.com/s/u6xdisgbfd4y5 ... 2.zip?dl=0
Mod Ferraris for "Vienna 1683":
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/e09ujsyc ... n4zs9&dl=0
Autumn, Frozen and Snow terrain:
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xb6icgfd ... whx7d&dl=0