Mech Infantry movement range

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Mech Infantry movement range

Post by warhero88 »

After fiddling around with Danube'85 "Bolt out the Blue" I noticed it has dramatic parameter file terrain MP changes, enabling vastly longer Regular/Tactical movement range for "Mech infantry" (which is "Foot", I guess, in the parameter file). This actually seems realistic since in reality mech inf can move tactically (ie., vehicles spread out, etc) with infantry mounted and still quickly dismount its infantry upon contact. This is the first I've seen of this philosophy, and I own all MC titles and most PzC titles, and have played many mods back in the day (just not Bolt until now). Anyway, It got me wondering why the original MC/PzC designers limit/hamstring mech infantry mobility in their scenarios. Any insights on why? Also, any insights on how this affects gameplay? I'm wondering if this is worth trying as a mod of vanilla scenarios within my gaming group, to whom I am introducing this game system (I have already fielded one question as to why Inf on Marders have such crappy range). Has anybody tried doing a Bolt-like chg to stock scenario parameters and how did things play out?
On the downside, Bolts expanded ranges across the board really make the "Reachable Hexes" command a CPU sucker (lots of delay doing the calc). Bolt 10 crashes from this.
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